The Knee Gurus
Information and interviews on a range of knee injuries and pain. Ideal for people considering management options for their knee injuries.
The Knee Gurus
Episode 15: Singapore’s First Cross-Bracing Protocol Patient
Bevan Colless
Lilliana France and Natalie Dau are a powerful Mother-Daughter combination based in Singapore. Natalie, a 14-year-old elite junior basketball player, and her Mum, Natalie, are elite amateur Ultra-Runners and fitness social media influencers. Unfortunately, Lilliana recently ruptured her ACL playing basketball, and after consulting with local doctors and Tom Cross himself in Sydney, the family decided to try the Cross-Bracing Protocol to facilitate the healing of her ACL. We hear their story of the injury until the pivotal 12-week post-injury MRI. I hope you enjoy this episode:
Lilliana’s Instagram:@lillianafrance_bball
Natalie Dau: @rockstararms